The Knitting Connection, Inc.
"No child should be without a hat, mittens, and a Christmas stocking..." - Sue A. Manning, Executive Director
Want to Get Involved?
We are looking for volunteer knitters and crocheters, so if you have the time, we have the yarn, and would love to use your talents for a good cause.
We also accept finished knitted/crocheted items. See the contact page for our address and contact info.
Want to Request a Gift?
Any person and/or agency may request to be the receiver of holiday gifts from The Knitting Connection, as follows:
Submit a written request in September, telling us about your needs for that December.
We will let you know in October if we can help, and will tell you what time during Distribution Week you will be able to pick up your gifts.
Distribution Week is the first week after Thanksgiving. Please bring boxes/bags for your gifts.
We ask that you attend our Holiday Party, on the second Thursday after Thanksgiving, and also send an official written thank-you note, in order to show your appreciation for our volunteer knitters, crocheters and quilters who live outside the area.
We ask for permission to visit your shelter or organization once, at your convenience, so we can better connect with the community we are serving.
Thank you one and all! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
- Sue A. Manning